Nikki Carter
2022 - 2023 President
Email: cartern@wsd3.org

Nikki Carter has worked in Career and Technical Education for 16 years in Widefield School District 3. She has served as a Business Teacher, Work Based Learning Coordinator and is currently the CTE Director.
Prior to her employment in education, she worked in the aviation industry as a flight attendant, flight attendant trainer and then as corporate trainer with Harrah’s Entertainment.
In addition to overseeing Perkins, Program approvals, assurances, and CTA reporting, she supports the MiLL, (a shared vocational campus with Peyton school district) by building course schedules, completes evaluations for construction and welding teachers, and monitors day-to-day operations.
Nikki has previously served on the board of the Colorado Business Educators, is a member of the Leadership Council with Pikes Peak Business Education Alliance, and represents her district on the Workforce Action Team in Colorado Springs. She has a published article in ACTE Techniques magazine, and co-presented at CACTE and Region V conferences about The MiLL partnership.
Outside work, she values time and outdoor activities with her husband and two teenage boys. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Aviation Business, a Master’s degree in Education and a K-12 Principal license.